Monday, April 11, 2011


I was baptized 17 years ago from yesterday.  After having made that decision I've received multiple confirmations in my life that it was the right choice. 

I firmly believe in God and know that He has led my life as I have been humble enough to allow Him to lead it.  Whenever I have chosen to follow His promptings and follow His plan for me, it has resulted in happiness, peace, and direction.  I've grown in ways that I could have never and would have never planned for.  What does this have to do with baptism?

As a missionary in Puerto Rico I invited many Puerto Rican people to be prepare and eventually be baptized.  We taught them about baptism and what it meant.  "Baptism is something sacred that is between you and God," we'd tell them.  "When you are baptized, you make a covenant, or a two-way promise with God.  Your part of the promise is that you will strive to be a disciple of Christ through obedience and service.  God promises to forgive you of your sins and to bless you with the Holy Ghost."

Since I was baptized I've seriously reflected on covenant I made with God.  I have sincerely sought to serve by showing love for people, by helping others learn about the Savior Jesus Christ, and by striving to be an example of service in my family, church, and society; as I've done this, God has kept His part of the two-way promise.  I know that the Holy Ghost has been a part of my decisions when it came to my schooling, career choice, and when overcoming personal trials.  It has been a tremendous blessing to me by teaching me principles to act with morals in the things I do.  As I've been faithful to God, I have never been happier.  Because I made and kept that covenant with Him 17 years ago, He has been guiding my life.

Everyone who wants to be baptized, can prepare and be baptized, no matter where the person is at in life.  Did you know that Christ was baptized?  Being baptized is the way a person can exercise faith in Jesus Christ by following His example and also making a covenant with God.  I've never regretted it.